Monday, April 03, 2006

N the Stacks - Episode 3 : More ideas

For this episode, I concentrated on more ideas for using the podcast and also I give a little background on some of the factors that lead up to the creation of this project. Please think about how you might incorporate podcasting in an information literacy program.

Other questions came up for me as I was working on this project. Some of those questions are: How can I steamline the recording process to make it easy for an entire staff of librarians to utilize this as a tool when needed?

What areas of information literacy are better suited for podcasting?
What about creating the metadata for people who are hearing impaired. Is the itunes and feedburner metadata enough? Should someone transcribe the interviews and post them in the blog space as well? So there are other areas to cover, and I think that there are many possibilities for use of the podcast as a part of an IL program strategy.

Click here for "N the Stacks" Episode 3: More ideas. Recorded on March 28, 2006.
/ 5:05 minutes

Thanks for listening, Regina

N the Stacks - Episode 2 : Interview with Deni

Hi everyone, This next podcast is an example of how interviews can make the podcast interesting and relevant. The interview format creates dialog between people on or about a subject. By using this format, the librarian can address the topics related to information literacy while creating a dynamic conversation with another expert or informant. My vision of the use of this format is that students can be required or encouraged to listen to these interview podcasts and then be asked to be prepared to discuss the concepts later on, in class. This format utilizes the asynchronous lesson that will be incorporated later in a face to face, or synchronous, session.

The other way that I see this format as being useful, is as a dialog between two people. Dialog is unpredictable and therefore retains the listeners' interest and if it created by two librarians, for example, it could be a conversation on information literacy topics. The podcast could be a conversation about skills and techniques that learners could tap into on an as needed basis.

Hopefully, "Episode 2: Interview with Deni" has captured the essence of teaching with interviews and dialogs. Click here for the mp3 file of "Episode 2: Interview with Deni" Recorded March 31, 2006.
/6:47 minutes

A special thanks goes out to Deni Wicklund for her participation and support of this project.

Thanks for listening. Regina

N the Stacks - Episode 1 : Musings, can this work for IL?

Well, here is the first episode of "N the stacks". I hope you find the ideas interesting. The first hurdle was figuring out how to record the file and getting help in doing so. Part of this process has included research on the topic of podcasting. I found out that there are many possible ways to get this done. I also found out that collaboration with other interested information specialists was essential to my success in getting this done in a timely fashion. Fortunately for me, this collaboration enabled me to learn more about the post production process and possibilities than I might not have discovered on my own. Thanks go out to Kimberly Hayworth for her technical assistance and encouragement.

Click here for the mp3 file of Episode 1 of "N the Stacks".
This was recorded on March 20, 2006. / 1:55 minutes

N the stacks - introduction

This blog is set up to demonstrate the possible uses of podcasting for information literacy lessons. This series of podcasts, "N the Stacks", are my musings on Information Literacy (IL) and IL instruction. Hopefully, these podcasts will serve as examples. The goal of this series is to produce sample tracks that may be of interest to librarians and students of library and information science. Check back soon for the introduction podcast.